Liturgical Ministries
Praying together.
Salomi Masaras – Intrum Choir Director
All parishioners young and old, are encouraged to participate. The choir sings during Sunday services from September to June. During Holy Week, the choir leads the congregation in the singing of hymns. It is wonderful to hear the angelic voices of our youth as well as our many talented adults. It does take a certain amount of dedication and commitment to join, but the satisfaction is enormous. Choir members praise God during our Divine Liturgy and are giving a pleasant experience to all the parishioners. If you are interested in taking part in our Saint Andrew Choir, please call the church office, for rehearsal times.

altar boys
All boys in the parish, 3rd grade and older, may serve as an Altar Boy. Altar boys must be on time each Sunday and take part in the special services throughout the year. If your son wishes to participate in the duties and responsibilities of Alter Boy, please speak with Fr. John.

Panagiotis (Takis) Fotinis- Chanter
Byzantine chants are an integral part of Greek Orthodox Services. The music of the Orthodox Church is renowned for its beauty and ability to put parishioners in a prayerful state of mind. Byzantine chants are based on ancient Greek tones and many of the chants can trace their origin to the time of the apostles. Once you step into an Orthodox Church all of your senses are engaged, the beauty of the icons, the smell of the incense, and music of the chanters raise our prayers to God’s ears.

prosphora bakers
Prosphora is the Greek word for offerings and refers to the bread offered by the faithful to God to be sanctified in the Holy Eucharist. Baking prosphora is a unique and tangible way for Orthodox Christians to actively participate in the Divine Liturgy. Each week several parishioners bake prosphora on behalf of the entire community.

welcoming committee
On Sunday mornings, a rotation of groups assists in greeting and seating worshipers and receiving offerings at the end of Divine Liturgy. Serving as a greeter is an important ministry to welcome parishioners and visitors, as well as creating an orderly environment for worship.