Our mission is to aid the poor, the aged, the hungry, the needy, and the sick with discretion, courtesy, and kindness.
Tricky Tray 2025!
This is our main fundraiser. Proceeds benefit: TBD
See Flyer Below for Details!
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
2024 St Andrew Philoptochos Scholarship!
The applications for this award will be due May 3, see details below!

We welcome you!
Saint Andrew Philoptochos welcomes new members to join us in continuing this tradition of helping those in need.
Our chapter holds meetings at the church at 7 pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month except June, July, August, and December. Membership dues are $45 annually and are used towards National and Metropolis philanthropic efforts.
Contact Marina Venizelos, St. Andrew Philoptochos President, for more information, or come to a general membership meeting held at Saint Andrew Greek Orthodox Church 1447 Sussex Turnpike in Randolph New Jersey, 973-584-0388, [email protected].

membership and volunteering
Simply One Woman Asking Another Woman to Care
Saint Andrew Philoptochos welcomes new members to join us in continuing this tradition of helping those in need. Throughout the year, we make a difference by hosting fundraisers and sponsoring scholarships as we continue to build community within the church.
Membership is not needed to volunteer. We have many opportunities for you to help those in need in our community, including:
–Faith Kitchen Service: Prepare and serve hot meals at the Faith Kitchen of Trinity Lutheran Church in Dover, NJ
–Food Drives: Collect and deliver food donations to local pantries
–Coat Drives: Collect and deliver coats to local organizations for dispersement
–Tricky Tray: Help with this dynamic fundraiser which raises thousands of dollars annually for our charities
–Bake Sales: Come bake with us and buy or sell baked goods to help fund our chapter’s philanthropic efforts
–Raffles: Support these fundraisers by buying or selling raffle tickets
–Knitting: Knit blankets and make pillows for those in shelters, hospitals, nursing homes
–Minister to those in prison
We have volunteer opportunities for everyone no matter your experience or schedule.

Saint Andrew Philoptochos Local Charities
On a local level, our Chapter supports many charities, such as:
Faith Kitchen
Market Street Mission
Family Promise of Morris County and Sussex County
Interfaith Food Pantry
Zoe for Life
Hope for Life
With the assistance of various local organizations, the Philoptochos coordinates collections that provide for the needs of our community:
Project Backpack: School supplies are collected by our chapter to support the efforts of the Market Street Mission. Supplies are distributed through the MSM
Food Drives: Food is collected from our parishioners and/or local communities in support of the Interfaith Food Pantry of Morris County
Coat Drives: Gently used coats, jackets, mittens, scarves etc. are collected by our chapter to support the efforts of the Market Street Mission. Supplies are distributed through the MSM at an annual coat giveaway on the Morristown Green
Other collections as needs arise, we also collect toys, toiletries, baby items, and new clothing.

charities and relief efforts
Our Philoptochos chapter makes monthly contributions to National Philoptochos, which uses these funds to support organizations as well as relief and support efforts on a national and international level.
These include:
Academy of Saint Basil
Autism Fund
Children’s Medical Fund
Ecumenical Patriarchate
National Emergency Fund
General Medical Fund
Hellenic College Holy Cross School of Theology
International Orthodox Christian Charities
National Sisterhood of Presvyteres Benevolent Fund
Orthodox Christian Fellowship
Orthodox Christian Missions and Support a Mission Priest
Retired Clergy and Widowed Presbyteras Benevolent Fund
Saint Photios Shrine
75th Anniversary Fund
Social Services/Cancer and Other Major Illnesses Fund
United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
Complete descriptions of the above can be found at
These organizations support the Greek community here and abroad. If you know of an Orthodox Christian individual or a family in need, please refer them to the Metropolis of New Jersey Social Service Chair at 908-301-0500 or the National Philoptochos Social Services division at 212-977-7782. The Philoptochos is here to help.

History of Philoptochos
The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society is the philanthropic arm of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. It has offered 85 years of philanthropy through a multitude of programs that make a difference in the lives of people in the United States and throughout the world. Its mission is to help the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, those with disabilities, and the victims of disasters. The Philoptochos responds immediately to needs and crises and its philanthropic outreach extends to each area of the country, through chapters like ours, and around the world through the chapter’s financial contributions to National Philoptochos endeavors. The Saint Andrew Ladies Philoptochos of Randolph provides community service to the greater Morris and Sussex communities through fundraising and hands-on philanthropic work.
“An army of nobility and the jewel of our Church.”
Philoptochos must continue to do what God does by loving people.
–His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America
The beginning of the Philoptochos Society can be traced to the late 19th century when hundreds of immigrants were arriving in the United States daily from Greece. In 1894, Father Paisios Ferentinos, who was serving Holy Trinity Church in New York City, with the assistance of Mrs. Amalia Feramoschos and Mrs. Penelope Eleftheropoulos, undertook the formidable task of welcoming the newly arrived and assisting them in acclimating themselves to their new environment. In 1902, the first Ladies Philoptochos was officially established at Holy Trinity Church where they applied for a charter to the State of New York as a philanthropic agency engaged in charitable activities rendering services to the poor. Today the Society includes over 26,000 members and 400 active chapters nationwide. In 2016, the National Philoptochos distributed $2.06 million in philanthropic aid.

knitting and making pillow ministries
Through financial support, the Philoptochos assists these ministries of Saint Andrew Church. Blankets, pillows, scarves, and other items are lovingly made by our parishioners for individuals in hospitals, nursing homes, shelters, and orphanages.

The members of the Saint Andrew Philoptochos actively engage in fundraising efforts needed to meet the financial needs of our philanthropic efforts. Each year we raise the thousands of dollars needed to support our local and national charities. Our major fundraiser is the Tricky Tray which is held in May. In 2016 Tricky Tray proceeds benefited The Family Promise of Morris County and Sussex County. In 2017, the Children’s Medical Fund was the beneficiary.
Another major fundraiser is the Rummage Sale held in our church gym each September. Proceeds support the purchase of materials and supplies needed by the knitting and pillow-making ministries and a portion of the proceeds is also gifted to Saint Andrew Church to support other ministry efforts.

monthly trays
Once a month we are generously supported by direct donations from our parishioners. The proceeds of these collections are put towards our chapter’s monthly commitments to National Philoptochos charitable efforts.

other fundraisers
Community Christmas Card: We print a yearly Christmas card using art created by our youth. Proceeds go directly to individuals and families in need in our community as determined in consultation with our Parish Priest.
Christmas and Easter Bake Sales: Our baking group and chapter members bake Greek specialties for sale within our community and to the public.
Special Raffle: Raffle of a luxury item

recognition and support opportunities
Each year the St. Andrew Philoptochos invites graduating seniors to submit an application for scholarship consideration. The award is based on the following eligibility criteria:
1. Parents are stewards of Saint Andrew Greek Orthodox Church
2. Involvement and participation in Church activities
3. Required academic and deadline information. Please see link:
To be considered for the scholarship award, please complete the attached application.
Mail or hand deliver the scholarship application and all supporting documentation to:
St. Andrew Greek Orthodox Church
1447 Sussex Turnpike, Randolph, NJ 07869
Attn: Philoptochos Scholarship Committee
We welcome your application and wish applicants success in their future endeavors.
Mother of the Year Award
The Philoptochos is the ‘Mother of the Church’. The Mother of the Year is an honor bestowed on a member of the Philoptochos who exemplifies the definition of “Mother” –caring, compassionate, and committed to improving the lives of her family and those around her. Mother of the Year is awarded on Mother’s Day.
Sunshine Committee
This committee sends a card to lift someone’s spirit in a time of need. If you know of anyone who is ill, has suffered a loss, or needs a kind word, please let us know.