Adult Ministries
We offer a variety of ministries that are inclusive and Christ-centered for individuals 18 and older to get involved with.
The Philoptochos Society of Saint Andrew is part of the Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc., the duly accredited women’s philanthropic society of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. The literal translation of the word Philoptochos is ‘Friend of the Poor’. Our mission is twofold. We strive to (a) indiscriminately assist those in need, whether it is locally, nationally, or globally and (b) to promote the Greek Orthodox faith and traditions. Through various fundraisers, we raise the resources needed for our charitable work and the growth of our own community. We also find the time to have fun and socialize. The work is fun and the rewards are many.

ahepa – Morris county chapter 300
This is the family which stands for American Hellenic Progressive Association. Both AHEPA and the Daughters of Penelope strive to keep their Hellenic culture and spirit alive but at the same time they are involved and support many projects in their communities both locally and nationally. They are leaders in philanthropic, educational and cultural activities with local chapters in the United States, Canada and Greece. Their objectives are to promote the social, ethical and intellectual interests of its members and to preserve the ideals and traditions of Hellenism as a contribution to the development of America. Every year they award numerous scholarships to High School Seniors going on to college or university.

agape group
This Group is comprised of the very special people in our community who have reached their golden years. We meet every second Monday, September through June at 11:30AM at the church hall. Everyone gathers for fellowship and for lunch which is prepared by various talented parishioners. An offering basket is available. During the year we have monthly luncheons usually with some information or activity of interest. The members go to dinner theatres, movies, trips to the monastery, visits to St. Michael’s Home in New York, and other places of interest to the group. We are in constant search of new ideas for activities. Agape donates to the church’s needs and towards Development. All are welcomed to join our Saint Andrew Agape Family for lunch, there is no membership fee.

The Mission of the Daughters of Penelope is to promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, Family, and Individual Excellence.
Philanthropy and Volunteerism have been pillars throughout the country for the Daughters of Penelope over its many years of existence. From natural disaster relief to raising funds to eliminate life-threatening diseases, to making significant contributions to our local municipalities, the Daughters of Penelope is at the forefront of charitable giving. Yet, this only scratches the surface of the numerous philanthropic works of the association.